-- 22nd of September -- From 6:30 to 8:30
On a recent Friday afternoon in Red Hook, Brooklyn, Camille Riviere (the wine importer) & Benoit Breal (the cheese monger from Saxelby) curated a delicious selection of local cheeses, pairing them with mouthwatering wines.
Bien Cuit will round out the evening with the ultimate bread pairing!
5 courses -- 5 pairings
Dunbarton Blue, Roelli Cheese Haus -- MM2 VDF 2012 from Didier Chaffardon
Cremont, Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery -- Muscat Sec 2014 from Anne-Marie Lavaysse
Paymaster, Crown Finish Caves -- Côteaux du Giennois 'Biau' 2010 from Mathieu Coste
Ouleout, Vulto Creamery -- Bordeaux 'Cuvée K' 2005 from Jean-François Chaigneau
Verano, Vermont Shepard -- Savagnin 2011, Stéphane et Bénédicte Tissot